Website terms and conditions

  1. The services referred to on this website are only available to United Kingdom residents and are not an invitation or offer to sell mortgages, savings of investment products or any other services outside of the United Kingdom.
  2. The information provided does not constitute an offer or financial or other professional advice. If you want to take up any services, please seek further information from the Melton Mowbray Building Society, an Independent Financial Advisor or other Professional Advisors. All the products and services described are subject to availability and may be withdrawn, and the terms and conditions may be varied, at any time and without notice.
  3. While every care is taken to ensure that the information provided is correct, no warranty is given as to its accuracy. Melton Mowbray Building Society will not accept liability for any losses or damage whatsoever from use of, or inability to use, this site or from any error or omission in information.
  4. The Society reserves the right to suspend access to this website at any time without notice.
  5. This website is governed by English Law.
  6. Any rights to this site shall be owned by Melton Mowbray Building Society at all times. You are permitted to use this site only for your own personal use.
  7. The Society cannot warrant that this site will remain free of viruses and we will not, therefore, be responsible for any damage or problems should a virus become apparent.
  8. This website contains links to other sites. Melton Mowbray Building Society accepts no responsibility of liability for the content of any other websites.
  9. The Melton Mowbray Building Society is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service and details are available upon request from any Branch or the Principal Office of the Society.

Product Guide

Our current range of mortgage products available for download in PDF format.

Lending Criteria

Guidelines designed to give general guidance to mortgage brokers on the Melton’s lending criteria.

Literature & Useful Info

View our range of helpful guides and literature.


Search our FAQs for any questions you may have.

Affordability Calculator

Our affordability calculator can be accessed once you have registered and logged in to our online application portal.